Core Services. Job Growth. Quality Health Care.

I’m tired of watching the infighting at city hall. It’s time to get to work on things that actually matter like fixing our roads, providing reliable water, and coordinating timely city services. These are things you pay for and should expect from your city government.
I’ve made a living working on complex issues, so join me and let’s solve the big challenges facing Amarillo.
- Jason Herrick
I’m tired of watching the infighting at city hall. It’s time to get to work on things that actually matter like fixing our roads, providing reliable water, and coordinating timely city services. These are things you pay for and should expect from your city government.
I’ve made a living working on complex issues, so join me and let’s solve the big challenges facing Amarillo.
- Jason Herrick

The Issues
Under our current mayor’s leadership, the city has failed to deliver essential services effectively. Our streets are in severe disrepair, yet there is no funded plan to fix them. Our water treatment plant is in a state of crisis, and the mayor refuses to properly address the issue. Basic services like coordinated trash pickup and snow removal are handled poorly, leaving residents frustrated. Within his first 120 days in office, Jason will present a comprehensive infrastructure plan that prioritizes and addresses these critical needs. For Amarillo to grow and thrive, we must manage these fundamental services competently—this is what you pay for, and it’s what you should expect from your city government.
Amarillo is at the crossroads of our country. We have the opportunity to be a hub for manufacturing, transportation and agriculture, but that doesn’t happen by accident. We must be proactive in order to attract new jobs to our area. Unfortunately, the current mayor has destroyed years of work and long-established relationships. He has allowed our regional competitors, like Lubbock and Abilene, to thrive and attract business and investment that would have otherwise looked to Amarillo as a viable option. Prior to his tenure, we brought thousands of jobs to Amarillo with Amazon, Cacique, Ben E. Keith Expansion, Caviness’s Hamburger Facility, the Texas Tech Veterinary School, Austin Hose, and many others. As our next mayor, Jason will put Amarillo back on track for economic growth. He will streamline the building permitting process, bring manufacturing jobs to Amarillo, grow our sales tax base, and make this the most business-friendly environment anywhere in the region.
About Jason Herrick
Jason Herrick is a local entrepreneur and business owner. He joined Pantera Energy Company, an independent Oil and Gas production and exploration company based in Amarillo, in 2001 when it had 4 employees and 90 wells. He has served as president since 2007 and has grown the company into the largest panhandle-based natural gas producer with 54 employees and peaked at nearly 2000 operated wells. Prior to that, he helped start a multi-national firm that worked with large banks around the world on procurement management systems.

Three years ago, the governor appointed Herrick to serve as the Texas Railroad Commission’s representative to the Texas Energy Reliability Council. Last year, he also started his term as Chairman of the Board of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers. He has previously served terms as president of Amarillo Area Foundation, Don Harrington Discovery Center, Center City of Amarillo, the Panhandle Producers and Royalty Association, Society of Petroleum Engineers, and the Texas Panhandle Regional Economic Development Corporation, as well as leadership roles in several other area non-profits. He also led the citizens’ group that brought the Texas Tech Veterinary School to Amarillo.
Herrick graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. He has been recognized as the Top Twenty Under 40 (2009) by the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce and the Boss of the Year (2011) by the Panhandle Desk and Derrick club. Jason was awarded the Excellence in Community Service Award (2019) from the Better Business Bureau (BBB). He was also awarded the Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser (2019) award by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Texas Plains Chapter during their National Philanthropy Day.
Jason is married to Dr. Shannon Herrick, the Chairman of Pediatrics at Texas Tech Health Science Center in Amarillo. They have 3 children, Landry, Ian and Claire. The Herrick Family attend Hillside Christian Church where Jason serves as a Sunday School teacher.
About Jason Herrick
Jason Herrick is a local entrepreneur and business owner. He joined Pantera Energy Company, an independent Oil and Gas production and exploration company based in Amarillo, in 2001 when it had 4 employees and 90 wells. He has served as president since 2007 and has grown the company into the largest panhandle-based natural gas producer with 54 employees and peaked at nearly 2000 operated wells. Prior to that, he helped start a multi-national firm that worked with large banks around the world on procurement management systems.

Three years ago, the governor appointed Herrick to serve as the Texas Railroad Commission’s representative to the Texas Energy Reliability Council. Last year, he also started his term as Chairman of the Board of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers. He has previously served terms as president of Amarillo Area Foundation, Don Harrington Discovery Center, Center City of Amarillo, the Panhandle Producers and Royalty Association, Society of Petroleum Engineers, and the Texas Panhandle Regional Economic Development Corporation, as well as leadership roles in several other area non-profits. He also led the citizens’ group that brought the Texas Tech Veterinary School to Amarillo.
Herrick graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. He has been recognized as the Top Twenty Under 40 (2009) by the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce and the Boss of the Year (2011) by the Panhandle Desk and Derrick club. Jason was awarded the Excellence in Community Service Award (2019) from the Better Business Bureau (BBB). He was also awarded the Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser (2019) award by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Texas Plains Chapter during their National Philanthropy Day.
Jason is married to Dr. Shannon Herrick, the Chairman of Pediatrics at Texas Tech Health Science Center in Amarillo. They have 3 children, Landry, Ian and Claire. The Herrick Family attend Hillside Christian Church where Jason serves as a Sunday School teacher.
Below is a list of the Amarillo community leaders and residents endorsing Jason Herrick for Mayor:
Potter County Deputy Sheriff’s Association
Quinn Alexander
Jack & Pat Allen
Bob Altman
Chase & Samantha Anderle
Sean & Rachel Andersen
Chris Anderson
Kevin & Carin Appel
Aaron & Kristen Atkins
Luke & Meredith Austin
Drew & Whitney Baccus
Gary & Mary Bagwell
Blaine Baker
Antonia Ballejo
Kirk Barnett
Dusty & Kristin Barrick
Gary & Marsha Barrick
Brady & Taylor Barrick
Caden Barrick
Jeremy & Allison Baskett
Jeremy & Allison Baskett
Dee Dee Baum
Todd & Wendi Beckum
Bob & Cheryl Bentley
Scott & Kim Bentley
Cory & Traci Bentley
Liz Bentley
Mark & Ellen Bivins
Braden & Kristi Black
Jon & Heather Blackwell
Pat & Pat Borden
Tim Bowles
Brad & Jami Boxwell
William & Amy Boyce
Eddie & Janie Bradley
Daniel & Jentry Bradley
Lew & Lisa Bradshaw
Jacob & Rhoda Breeden
Jim J Brewer
Richard & Kay Brown
Lloyd & Lora Brown
Gary & Amanda Buffington
Cindi & Chuck Bulla
Larry & Libby Bunn
Patrick & Crystal Burns
Nellson & Melissa Burns
Jason & Noma Burr
Jason Burr
Gregg & Danita Bynum
Russ & Sandy Campbell
Carolina Cantrell
Don Cartwright
Jacob Cates
Terry & Jeanette Caviness
Regan & Kelly Caviness
Trevor & Sarah Caviness
Antonio Charles
Jeff Chesnut
Paul Clark
John & Bitsy Clements
Clint Hukill and Liana Proffer
Chris & Tammy Cochran
Buddy & Lisa Collen Jr.
Mike Conner
Richard & Shirley Constancio
Roger & Susan Cox
Casey & Brittany Crabtree
Clff Craig
Daniel & Jessie Cramer
Cole Craven
Eric & Kim Crawford
Al & Cindy Cunningham
Derek & Gainor Davis
Jon & Stefanie Decker
Early & Jessica Denison
John & Glenna Denton
Scott & Cindy Dickerson
Sean & Thanne Doherty
Dan & Kathy Dowdy
Dusty & Jamie Doyle
Brad Doyle
Ralph & Karen Ellis
Colby & Allyson Flaming
Michele Fortunato
Wilson & Tonya Freeman
Brooke & Donna Furrh
Gavin & Laura Gadberry
Matt & Christine Garner
Sha & Micah Gearn
Mica Gearn
Brooks & April Gentry
Bennie Gibson
Tiffiney Gibson
Bill & Sandra Gilliland
Robin Gilliland
Chris & Rebecca Gleason
Eva Gleason
Tammy Gonzales
Quinn & Brianna Grace
Perry & Cindi Graham
Joey & Devenie Graham
Gregg & Ellen Graham
Keith Grays
Mitch & Jessica Grider
Steve & Mandy Griffin
Matt Griffith
Ernesto Guzman
Brett & Emily Hall
Bobby & Kristi Hall
Andrew & Lauren Hall
Chris Harkins
David & Ziara Harney
Paul & Jenny Harpole
Jeb & Amanda Harris
Bill & Bev Harris
Anthony & Stacey Harwell
Cale & Jessica Hawley
Andrew & Kendall Hay
John & Jessica Headrick
Brian & Susie Heinrich
Scott & Gloria Herrick
Trent Hill
Tyler & Elizabeth Holland
Will & Callie Holton
Todd & Lori Horner
David Horsely
Mike & Liz Hughes
Timothy Ingalls
Kevin & Karen Isern
Greg & Jenifer Jackson
Roy & Martha Jarnagin
Darren & Jacy Jenks
Gary & Sally Jennings
Jarrett & Amanda Johnson
Bob & Amy Juba
John & Lulu Kaddatz
Ray & Melissa Kalka
Jerrod & Lindsay Kee
Alan & Vicki Keister
Taylor & Ashley Kelley
Wade King
Chuck Kitsman
John & Nancy Kritser
Brad Krusa
Corey Krusa
Tom & Holly Ladd
Christian Ladd-Stribling
Rudy & Kathy Laissle
Claudette Landess
Mike & Dawn Larson
Brennan Leggett
Matt Loftin
Sam & Carol Lovelady
Barry & Judy Lynch
Jason & Dez Manning
Rob & Farrar Mansfield
Reg & Tiffany Martin
Shelby & Katt Massey
Kameron & Dee Mathis
Jorge & Shelley Matos
Todd & Amanda Mayfield
Jeff McCarn
Rachael McClung
Roy & Terry McDowell
Cameron & Mindi McLaine
Tim & Erin McLemore
Barbara Miner
Phil & Cheryl Moore
Jacob & Monica Moreno
Stan & Kathy Morris
Shawn Morrison
Roy Murgia
Darrin & Jonna Murphy
Ed Nichols
Zack Norrell
Rod & Sylvia Nugent
Wes & Stephanie O’Brien
Steve & Katy Pair
Rob & Mary Parker
Bob & Jackie Pearson
Jeff & Tammy Perkins
Tisha Peterson
Wade Porter
Don & Twanna Powell
Freda Powell
Taryn & Monte Price
Gary & Jody Purser
Wes & Melissa Purser
George & Alicia Raffkind
Cory & Kendra Ramsey
Chris & Cortney Reed
Ashley Reeves
Carol Ann Reeves
Kaleen Reyna
Tom & Sandy Riney
Tom & Jan Rose
Zac & Michele Rose
Zac & Michele Rose
Aaron & Kim Sage
Richard Sands
Eddie & Tina Sauer
David Schaeffer
Gregg & Shelly Schmidt
Madison Scott
Steven & Leah Seymour
Matt Sherwood
Trey & Peyton Sidwell
Reid Sidwell
Art & Sarah Silva
Gary & Gayle Skinner
Timothy & Kristen Slaughter
Josh & Kenna Sluder
Steve & Selena Smith
Dale & Caroline Smith
Currie & Jussen Smith
Aubrey & Robin Smith
Flipper Smith
Will & Kate Snead
Amy Solis
Kyle & Ashley Sparkman
John & Julia Sparkman
Carla Spencer
Bob & Debi Stavenhagen
Dennis Stowers
Robert & Kristin Stroud
Drew & Monica Terrell
David & Robin Terry
Matt Thomas
Ryan Thurman
Toby & Lisa Torres
Steve & Rajan Trafton
Sam & Lauren VanBeckum
Blaine & Scotti Vaughan
Neil & Lisa Veggeberg
David & Nancy Walker
Whit & Marsha Beth Walker
Patsy Walker
Patrick & Mackenzie Weir
Travis & Erica Wheat
Eric & Christine White
Todd Whitehead
Eric & Tricia Wilkie
Trey & Abby Wilkinson
Bob & JoLynn Wilkinson
Trevor Williams
David & Alicia Woodburn
Doug & Caroline Woodburn
Wes Wright
Becky Zenor
Eric & Oma Zimmerman
Dominic & Brandi Zumbrun
Below is a list of the Amarillo community leaders and residents endorsing Jason Herrick for Mayor:
Quinn Alexander
Jack & Pat Allen
Bob Altman
Chase & Samantha Anderle
Sean & Rachel Andersen
Chris Anderson
Kevin & Carin Appel
Aaron & Kristen Atkins
Luke & Meredith Austin
Drew & Whitney Baccus
Gary & Mary Bagwell
Blaine Baker
Antonia Ballejo
Kirk Barnett
Dusty & Kristin Barrick
Gary & Marsha Barrick
Brady & Taylor Barrick
Caden Barrick
Jeremy & Allison Baskett
Jeremy & Allison Baskett
Dee Dee Baum
Todd & Wendi Beckum
Bob & Cheryl Bentley
Scott & Kim Bentley
Cory & Traci Bentley
Liz Bentley
Mark & Ellen Bivins
Braden & Kristi Black
Jon & Heather Blackwell
Pat & Pat Borden
Tim Bowles
Brad & Jami Boxwell
William & Amy Boyce
Eddie & Janie Bradley
Daniel & Jentry Bradley
Lew & Lisa Bradshaw
Jacob & Rhoda Breeden
Jim J Brewer
Richard & Kay Brown
Lloyd & Lora Brown
Gary & Amanda Buffington
Cindi & Chuck Bulla
Larry & Libby Bunn
Patrick & Crystal Burns
Nellson & Melissa Burns
Jason & Noma Burr
Jason Burr
Gregg & Danita Bynum
Russ & Sandy Campbell
Carolina Cantrell
Don Cartwright
Jacob Cates
Terry & Jeanette Caviness
Regan & Kelly Caviness
Trevor & Sarah Caviness
Antonio Charles
Jeff Chesnut
Paul Clark
John & Bitsy Clements
Clint Hukill and Liana Proffer
Chris & Tammy Cochran
Buddy & Lisa Collen Jr.
Mike Conner
Richard & Shirley Constancio
Roger & Susan Cox
Casey & Brittany Crabtree
Clff Craig
Daniel & Jessie Cramer
Cole Craven
Eric & Kim Crawford
Al & Cindy Cunningham
Derek & Gainor Davis
Jon & Stefanie Decker
Early & Jessica Denison
John & Glenna Denton
Scott & Cindy Dickerson
Sean & Thanne Doherty
Dan & Kathy Dowdy
Dusty & Jamie Doyle
Brad Doyle
Ralph & Karen Ellis
Colby & Allyson Flaming
Michele Fortunato
Jonathan & Margaret Frederick
Tony Freeman
Wilson & Tonya Freeman
Brooke & Donna Furrh
Gavin & Laura Gadberry
Matt & Christine Garner
Sha & Micah Gearn
Mica Gearn
Brooks & April Gentry
Bennie Gibson
Tiffiney Gibson
Bill & Sandra Gilliland
Robin Gilliland
Chris & Rebecca Gleason
Eva Gleason
Tammy Gonzales
Quinn & Brianna Grace
Perry & Cindi Graham
Joey & Devenie Graham
Gregg & Ellen Graham
Keith Grays
Mitch & Jessica Grider
Steve & Mandy Griffin
Matt Griffith
Ernesto Guzman
Brett & Emily Hall
Bobby & Kristi Hall
Andrew & Lauren Hall
Chris Harkins
David & Ziara Harney
Paul & Jenny Harpole
Jeb & Amanda Harris
Bill & Bev Harris
Anthony & Stacey Harwell
Cale & Jessica Hawley
Andrew & Kendall Hay
John & Jessica Headrick
Brian & Susie Heinrich
Scott & Gloria Herrick
Trent Hill
Tyler & Elizabeth Holland
Will & Callie Holton
Todd & Lori Horner
David Horsely
Mike & Liz Hughes
Timothy Ingalls
Kevin & Karen Isern
Greg & Jenifer Jackson
Roy & Martha Jarnagin
Darren & Jacy Jenks
Gary & Sally Jennings
Jarrett & Amanda Johnson
Bob & Amy Juba
John & Lulu Kaddatz
Ray & Melissa Kalka
Jerrod & Lindsay Kee
Alan & Vicki Keister
Taylor & Ashley Kelley
Wade King
Chuck Kitsman
John & Nancy Kritser
Brad Krusa
Corey Krusa
Tom & Holly Ladd
Christian Ladd-Stribling
Rudy & Kathy Laissle
Claudette Landess
Mike & Dawn Larson
Brennan Leggett
Matt Loftin
Sam & Carol Lovelady
Barry & Judy Lynch
Jason & Dez Manning
Rob & Farrar Mansfield
Reg & Tiffany Martin
Shelby & Katt Massey
Kameron & Dee Mathis
Jorge & Shelley Matos
Todd & Amanda Mayfield
Jeff McCarn
Rachael McClung
Roy & Terry McDowell
Cameron & Mindi McLaine
Tim & Erin McLemore
Barbara Miner
Jeff & Jessica Mitchell
Phil & Cheryl Moore
Jacob & Monica Moreno
Stan & Kathy Morris
Shawn Morrison
Roy Murgia
Darrin & Jonna Murphy
Ed Nichols
Zack Norrell
Rod & Sylvia Nugent
Wes & Stephanie O’Brien
Steve & Katy Pair
Rob & Mary Parker
Bob & Jackie Pearson
Jeff & Tammy Perkins
Tisha Peterson
Wade Porter
Don & Twanna Powell
Freda Powell
Taryn & Monte Price
Gary & Jody Purser
Wes & Melissa Purser
George & Alicia Raffkind
Cory & Kendra Ramsey
Chris & Cortney Reed
Ashley Reeves
Carol Ann Reeves
Kaleen Reyna
Tom & Sandy Riney
Tom & Jan Rose
Zac & Michele Rose
Zac & Michele Rose
Aaron & Kim Sage
Richard Sands
Eddie & Tina Sauer
David Schaeffer
Gregg & Shelly Schmidt
Madison Scott
Steven & Leah Seymour
Matt Sherwood
Trey & Peyton Sidwell
Reid Sidwell
Art & Sarah Silva
Gary & Gayle Skinner
Timothy & Kristen Slaughter
Josh & Kenna Sluder
Steve & Selena Smith
Dale & Caroline Smith
Currie & Jussen Smith
Aubrey & Robin Smith
Flipper Smith
Will & Kate Snead
Amy Solis
Kyle & Ashley Sparkman
John & Julia Sparkman
Carla Spencer
Bob & Debi Stavenhagen
Dennis Stowers
Robert & Kristin Stroud
Drew & Monica Terrell
David & Robin Terry
Matt Thomas
Ryan Thurman
Toby & Lisa Torres
Steve & Rajan Trafton
Sam & Lauren VanBeckum
Blaine & Scotti Vaughan
Neil & Lisa Veggeberg
David & Nancy Walker
Whit & Marsha Beth Walker
Patsy Walker
Patrick & Mackenzie Weir
Travis & Erica Wheat
Eric & Christine White
Todd Whitehead
Eric & Tricia Wilkie
Trey & Abby Wilkinson
Bob & JoLynn Wilkinson
Trevor Williams
David & Alicia Woodburn
Doug & Caroline Woodburn
Wes Wright
Becky Zenor
Eric & Oma Zimmerman
Dominic & Brandi Zumbrun